Rain is the OMG factor

When you’re in the desert, rain is a big deal….

Its almost a celebration, but for sure a ritual…. everyone goes out and stands in it till they are soaked… there was 5 of us out in the weather, thunder, lightening, and rain so hard it leaves bruises… what surprised me is everyone kept their clothes on….it is a reservation and no one gives a damn…but the fellas were at work, so decorum was the order of the day….

Hepah had just left, she caught a ride with one of her 200 her cousins…..lest she melt in the rain, which is a funny attitude for a tribal woman born an bred for the desert….

But whatever…she doesn’t like lightening either… nor do I for that matter, anything that can pop me open like a microwaved hot dog, needs to be avoided…..

🙂 the weather is a hoot… it hits 135 on a regular basis and I don’t have AC.. I note a pork roast is done at 145…. its a whole lot of nope…

And the GF is being all cute…….me not so much

My photo is an old one from something like  15-20  years  ago…. hers were at that moment whenever… they’re favorites….therefore timeless… shes busy all the time, raises bees works on a goat farm in New Zealand milking said goats… shes been here, I’ve been there, now shes talking about a green card and staying here…. which would be a killer adventure…she makes friends fast, shes polite, but wont tolerate nonsense.. shes not afraid of brown people or have any preconceptions… she’d fit in

Shes a lite skinned Maori… so she knows all about racist bullshit… Personally I just don’t care, I’ve met too many people to buy it….



Wait what?

I live on a reservation which can be problematic because everyone is at least cousins……..

I’m an easy going and approachable guy, except when Im not… the rez rule is be a stand up guy and don’t start trouble.. or run from it..

Its all very late 50’s…

I have fans… my little lady pal has a crush, to her Im perfect in a weird way…  but thats not it…. My boy is her cousin… He’s been my guy since he got out of the federal lock up, we hit it off from the beginning… he’s a classic  stand up guy

There were incidents….and I had his back, which has been noted…

He’s a manager now… and tells his minions I have a tribal ID..which means perpetual discounts.. .it kills me because I couldn’t look any more Irish or be any less interested in claiming an ancestry not mine…

But the cousins have spoken… apparently I’ve passed some hood rat test… yeah well… I wasn’t raised to be shy…slow to get in the mix…or look down my nose at others…

Its complicated….maybe convoluted…



Social life on the low end of the bell curve

Burger King is about it for my social life….

They have free coffee refills and wifi, plus unlimited tweakers for entertainment..

I live on a reservation so the options are limited…. especially if you don’t drink or tweak…

I know every derelict in town, and thankfully “town” isn’t that big… but even so it’s an extravaganza of silly shit…and random violence…one guy who screams at cars another who rides a bike here and there…and is prone to go into gas stations then demand they call 911…at which point he lays down in the driveway till the ambulance comes… its about air-conditioning, a “free” meal, Thorazine or some shit…maybe an overnight stay in a private room…. which ain’t good given he’s also a thief…and people in hospitals arent exactly paying attention..

But whatever….

I have this native girl whos a pal… and she has a thing about being Batman… this is Murica, go ahead and be Batman… I have my own quirks..

I really need to get the whole cooking thing going… but its kinda too hot for all that… except pizza, which is quick…and the oven is outside…

Ahhh well…

The GF came to visit… I fed her Pizza.. and occasionally bacon an cabbage, the equally occasional omelette..and whatever was close…

Culinary standards have slipped due to circumstances beyond my control.. cataract surgery, cancer surgery, being hit by a police car and having broken ribs, which really sucks… followed by catching fire…

If you cant walk you cant cook….

What again?

I just got a 30 day facebook ban…. which I find hysterical given the number of culls calling for civil war and violence against elected officials… not to mention people who are employed and therefore Nazis…

Zucker clown wonders why his stock is tanking… easy answer, Americans who pay for advertising don’t like censorship.. its un American.. the Zuck doesn’t get that… cause hes a die hard leftist…an kinda stupid

And the wheels go round an round

I just made a go fund me page…. its about saving bees, its a thing… cause they pollinate our food crops and  neonicotinoids are killing them.. along with the panic over Africanized bees…..the panic is unwarrented… most arent Africanized some are just grumpy as….but people go crazy trying to kill them

I also collect wild swarms and feral colonies which have made a home in someones wall, attic or garage…. which kinda is a pain, but the alternative is an exterminator gets called…

I get them out alive…

Even the exterminator doesn’t want to kill bees..he’d rather call me so I can suffer.. my worst job I got about 50 stings and was half eaten by fire ants… my tongue went numb and I was an hour from a hospital which had me worried……but I got the bees, and about 100 lbs of honey… which I kept for me, because they fought me for it… and I nearly died….

Now its destined to be mead… 🙂